Like Mama always said, "When life gives you brown bananas, make banana cake!" Okay, well maybe it was something more on the line of lemons but either way... well you get the jist! Don't you hate it when your bananas ripen a little too fast and you feel like you can't do anything with them so you stick them in the freezer on the chance that you're going to make a smoothie but then you never make that smoothie so you have frozen brown bananas just hanging out in the freezer? (Run on sentence? I think so!) Well we have the solution for you, Banana Cake. BC is different from Banana Bread because it is a lot lighter and fluffier.
Ready for the recipe?
1/2 cup butter
2 beaten eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 cup sugar
1 cup mashed bananas
2 cup flour
1/2 cup milk

Pre-heat your over to 350 degrees. Start by creaming the butter and sugar in a large mixing bowl

Add eggs and vanilla and beat well

Now add your mashed bananas to the mix. Our bananas were already very soft so we just added them whole.

After the bananas are added the mixture will look pretty runny... that's when you add the dry ingredients.

Sift dry ingredients together. Alternate between adding the dry ingredients and milk

Grease a 13X9 pan and pour in the batter

Yuummmmy!! Place pan in the oven and bake for 20-30 minutes. Use the toothpick trick to determine when the cake is done

Once the cake is cooled, sprinkle powdered sugar on top. We love using powdered sugar because it keeps the cake really light without adding to much sweet

This is one of our favorite desserts to make and it is so easy too!! Thanks
Betty Crocker for this recipe! Enjoy!!